Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 12 - Last Reflection

Hi Everyone,

Time has flown by this semester and it marks the last week of ADED 1P32.  With that being said, this will be my last blog post related to this course.  In this final post, I will talk about my digital footprint, what I have learned, and being a better digital citizen.

Before starting this course, my digital footprint consisted of my LinkedIn page.  My name on Google is associated with a basketball player that has turned into a journalist.  After Googling my name again after this course, I get the same results.  Despite being active and posting in the digital world during the time of this course, I get the same results because the basketball journalist is so popular.  Until I make a name for myself, it will continue to be that way.  Despite not finding a large digital footprint after this course, at least I know everything is positive.

This course has focused on digital citizenship, something that I wasn't really familiar with.  I have always tried to learn from the digital world but stayed away from posting.  The most important takeaway from this course for me is netiquette.  Again, I can't stress enough how things you post directly represents you.  I will continue to  be respectful online and promote others to give positive feedback.  Before the course, I stayed away from posting online because it would become a part of my footprint.  However, there can be many things in your digital footprint that you are unaware of which is why it's important to make intellectual posts and make it positive.

This course has also taught me new tools that I can use to communicate and collaborate with others.  Most of the tools that we learned about I had never even heard of.  Now, I know there is so much available to me online and at my disposal.  Take a look at my PLE after the course below compared to my Week 2 Post!

Overall, I feel like I have learned a lot about the digital world and have a better understanding of tools such as blogs.  I never saw the benefit but now I hope to continue posting in the future!

Thanks for a great course!


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